Saturday, November 10, 2012

Fruit Flies in Drains

Fruit flies
Fruit flies in the home can be a big problem, particularly around harvest time when there is plenty for the pests to feed on. Many households find that fruit flies in drain areas, especially the kitchen sink, are the biggest issue. However, help is at hand as there are several ways to rid the home of this tiny little menace, and there are a few steps you can take to keep them away for good. There are many really good products on the market that can get rid of fruit flies, but if you prefer a natural approach then there are a variety of ways to do so.

Making a trap to capture the fruit flies is very simple and one of the best ways to do so is by using apple cider vinegar.  Pouring a small amount into a container such as a jam jar or baby food jar and piercing a few holes in the lid is enough to catch the flies. They are able to get in through the holes as the smell from the apple will attract them but will be unable to get back out. By adding a small amount of liquid soap to the vinegar the density of the liquid will change so that the flies will not be able to climb back out.
Fruit flies in drain areas can be cleared using a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and white vinegar. The mixture can be poured into the drain and left a short while then simply rinsed away. This is also good for cleaning up spills that may attract the fruit flies, and cleaning out refrigerators. It is one of the most popular home remedies for removing smells too which will also deter fruit flies from the home.
Once you have removed the fruit flies from your home you need to keep it that way. By storing fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator there is less risk of them attracting the fruit fly. If fruits need to be ripened, then they should be stored in a paper bag. Overripe and rotting fruits are the biggest attraction for fruit flies and the paper bag will help to reduce the moisture surrounding the fruits and therefore slow the ripening process. Fruits left to ripen on a countertop will ripen quickly but attract a lot of fruit flies too.

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