Drain Flies
These insects are very poor at flying and will most commonly be seen walking on the floor around drains, or climbing up walls surrounding the drains. When they do fly, it is in short spurts and they fly in a very jerky pattern. Drain flies commonly breed in drains contaminated with sewage and stagnant water.The adult drain fly will be found resting in areas in the shade during the day. Another place you will see them is on walls near plumbing fixtures or in and around bathroom fixtures, like showers and tubs. When the evening comes the adult drain fly becomes more active.

You are likely to see them hovering around the same areas at this time of the day. The drain fly, which is also commonly called a moth fly are commonly found in and around drains. They are normally black in color, but can also be brown as well. They have a life cycle that ranges from ten to twenty seven days in optimal conditions. This means from egg, through larvae, pupae and adult stages they will mature in ten to twenty seven days.
Getting Rid of Drain Flies
If you want to get rid of these pests here are some good tips to follow. Ensure that you have no stagnant water in your drains or your fridge, these are exceptional breeding places for these insects. If you have drains in stuffy places, put in some ventilation to help with the air flow and reduce the chance of the water to sit. Ensure that you keep the doors or windows open from time to time in the humid areas of your house to reduce the chance of them breeding. You will also want to make sure that all your drains are cleaned on a regular basis. This will not only reduce the risk of drain fly infestation, but it will also ensure that your drain does not get any blockage.
If you find an infestation of
drain flies you need to ensure that you clean and sanitize the area very well. Clean the walls, floors, furniture and any other surfaces they may have been on. If you have floor drains, you will want to clean them out with a mixture of hot water and bleach to disinfect the area and remove any possible stagnant water or sewage. Ensure that your house and the surrounding area are kept clean of all sewage and stagnant water to ensure they do not breed around your house. To ensure that you keep these pests out of your house, clean your drains on a regular basis. Once they are clean, you will want to flush them with hot water and then put in some bleach to ensure that all bacteria and other things are killed and sterilized.
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