Saturday, November 10, 2012

Fruit Flies in Drains

Fruit flies
Fruit flies in the home can be a big problem, particularly around harvest time when there is plenty for the pests to feed on. Many households find that fruit flies in drain areas, especially the kitchen sink, are the biggest issue. However, help is at hand as there are several ways to rid the home of this tiny little menace, and there are a few steps you can take to keep them away for good. There are many really good products on the market that can get rid of fruit flies, but if you prefer a natural approach then there are a variety of ways to do so.

Making a trap to capture the fruit flies is very simple and one of the best ways to do so is by using apple cider vinegar.  Pouring a small amount into a container such as a jam jar or baby food jar and piercing a few holes in the lid is enough to catch the flies. They are able to get in through the holes as the smell from the apple will attract them but will be unable to get back out. By adding a small amount of liquid soap to the vinegar the density of the liquid will change so that the flies will not be able to climb back out.
Fruit flies in drain areas can be cleared using a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and white vinegar. The mixture can be poured into the drain and left a short while then simply rinsed away. This is also good for cleaning up spills that may attract the fruit flies, and cleaning out refrigerators. It is one of the most popular home remedies for removing smells too which will also deter fruit flies from the home.
Once you have removed the fruit flies from your home you need to keep it that way. By storing fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator there is less risk of them attracting the fruit fly. If fruits need to be ripened, then they should be stored in a paper bag. Overripe and rotting fruits are the biggest attraction for fruit flies and the paper bag will help to reduce the moisture surrounding the fruits and therefore slow the ripening process. Fruits left to ripen on a countertop will ripen quickly but attract a lot of fruit flies too.

Drain Gel for Drain Flies

Drain flies are small dark gray insects covered in short hairs.  They reproduce in shallow standing water and generally inhabit moist areas containing decaying organic matter, often drains as the name implies.  Fruit flies also take up residence in drains, so are occasionally referred to as drain flies.  Both are potential carriers of disease, as they frequently enter residential areas after hatching out in unsanitary locations such as garbage dumps, septic tanks and sewers.  Fortunately, it is easy to eradicate and prevent re-infestation of drain flies if proper measures are taken.

Life Cycle and Reproduction

Adult drain flies lay up to 100 eggs, which hatch in 48 hours.  Larvae progress to the pupal stage within 2 weeks of hatching, and adult flies emerge in 20-40 hours, starting the cycle anew. Due to large numbers of offspring and a fast reproductive cycle, substantial populations can quickly develop.  Homeowners are frequently unaware of drain flies until a population of several hundred flies has arisen.

Drain Fly Removal

Many products are available for eradicating drain flies, and are typically administered in the form of a thick gel that is poured down drains and sticks in areas inhabited by drain flies.  These products are designed to digest the organic matter that larval and adult drain flies require as a food source, and also to digest drain fly eggs and larvae.

The following drain fly gels are known to be safe and effective, and are recommended for home use:
Invade Bio Drain Gel contains microbes and citrus oil designed to digest organic matter and deodorize.
Drain Gel Organic Cleaner consists of enzymes and bacteria designed to digest organic matter in environments with and without oxygen (aerobic and anaerobic).
Biokleen Bac Out Drain Care Gel contains enzymes and bacterial cultures which digest organic deposits.
Drain fly kits take a multifactorial approach.  They typically contain flytraps, aerosol insect killers and drain gel.

Proper application of these products in all infested drains is usually able to remove a population within one week.  However, the original source is probably nearby, and re-infestation is likely unless preventative measures are taken.  Once drain flies are exterminated, drains should be treated preventatively with drain fly gel to prevent re-accumulation of organic deposits and potential entry points, such as faulty screen windows, should be repaired.

Drain Flies Informations

Drain Flies

These insects are very poor at flying and will most commonly be seen walking on the floor around drains, or climbing up walls surrounding the drains. When they do fly, it is in short spurts and they fly in a very jerky pattern. Drain flies commonly breed in drains contaminated with sewage and stagnant water.The adult drain fly will be found resting in areas in the shade during the day. Another place you will see them is on walls near plumbing fixtures or in and around bathroom fixtures, like showers and tubs. When the evening comes the adult drain fly becomes more active. 
Drain FliesYou are likely to see them hovering around the same areas at this time of the day. The drain fly, which is also commonly called a moth fly are commonly found in and around drains. They are normally black in color, but can also be brown as well. They have a life cycle that ranges from ten to twenty seven days in optimal conditions. This means from egg, through larvae, pupae and adult stages they will mature in ten to twenty seven days. 

Getting Rid of Drain Flies

If you want to get rid of these pests here are some good tips to follow. Ensure that you have no stagnant water in your drains or your fridge, these are exceptional breeding places for these insects. If you have drains in stuffy places, put in some ventilation to help with the air flow and reduce the chance of the water to sit. Ensure that you keep the doors or windows open from time to time in the humid areas of your house to reduce the chance of them breeding. You will also want to make sure that all your drains are cleaned on a regular basis. This will not only reduce the risk of drain fly infestation, but it will also ensure that your drain does not get any blockage. If you find an infestation of drain flies you need to ensure that you clean and sanitize the area very well. Clean the walls, floors, furniture and any other surfaces they may have been on. If you have floor drains, you will want to clean them out with a mixture of hot water and bleach to disinfect the area and remove any possible stagnant water or sewage. Ensure that your house and the surrounding area are kept clean of all sewage and stagnant water to ensure they do not breed around your house. To ensure that you keep these pests out of your house, clean your drains on a regular basis. Once they are clean, you will want to flush them with hot water and then put in some bleach to ensure that all bacteria and other things are killed and sterilized.